Mission and Values
To provide a sanctuary for drawing closer to Christ and for spiritual reflection and growth; to encourage stewardship of our natural resources through ecological education and action; and to strengthen our relationships with one another and our diverse communities.
Ministries Mission: The mission of Ministries Programs at Westminster Woods is: To guide persons to Jesus Christ, so that through Him they may come to a true knowledge of God, to a living faith, and through the power of the Holy Spirit live as Christ's disciples through the fellowship of the Church.
School Programs Mission: The mission of School Programs at Westminster Woods is to foster the development of character, community, and science literacy in students through experiential outdoor education.
Westminster Woods Inclusivity Policy
Updated May 2023
Westminster Woods welcomes, supports, and celebrates people of all identities. We understand that our community is stronger with individuals from diverse backgrounds and diverse racial, religious, socio-economic, gender, orientation, ability-status, body size and ethnic groups. We commit to honoring each person’s identities as a unique and vital part of our community and to supporting each person in a way that is considerate of their specific needs.
Westminster Woods does not tolerate intentional hate speech or discrimination based on a person’s identity.
“The Woods has been such a wonderful home away from home for me since I was young, and now my own kids love it as much as I do!”